Forest of The Blue Skin Wiki

An innocuous Sleeping Sheep in Pink Mansion. Initially, the only things you know about her are that she's in a blocked off room, and that she makes forcefields around herself when you masturbate in her room.

Sleeping Goat Opened

Pressing the blue button behind the wall in Mega Bat's room using Shout will allow you to enter her room.

After beating the Mega Bat and activating the blue button using the Shout ability her room opens up. It also unlocks the the last door in the corridor which contains the Bench girl's Emblem, as well as a set of platforms which can be used in conjunction with Double Jump to reach the Gargoyle Hub at the top of the room.

The sleeping sheep cannot be damaged or affected by any action initially due to her forcefields, however repeatedly damaging or shouting at her will lead to you being charmed.

Bench Girl Emblem

Pressing the Blue button in the Mega Bat's room opens this room


Sleeping Goat Downed

You just took advantage of a helpless girl. Have you no shame?

Attack her 3 times, and wait until she charms you (there is a small blind spot at the middle of her legs, so avoid that). Then, let the H scene finish. Power pump (this can be done by holding the down arrow and tapping A rapidly) and cum on her. Then masturbate again near her (make sure to hold the keys rather than tapping) until she charms you again. After this second H scene is over, she becomes capturable.
